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KPO Executive Board Meeting

February 7th 

7:00 p.m. @ School Library

Upcoming Events

We are pleased to inform you of a new and exciting partnership between Kempner Parent Organization (KPO) and FBISD Collaborative Communities/Shared Dreams.



KPO is being given the opportunity to be one of the first FBISD schools to be recognized as an “Exemplary Partnership” campus.  Our KPO is partnering with FBISD Collaborative Communities/Shared Dreams to prepare and stock a room where students faced with a difficult and challenging situation may receive immediate assistance. 



We are calling our “Exemplary Partnership” Cougar Cove. Cougar Cove is meant to be a sustainable, ongoing, campus-wide program that will serve Kempner students now but as the program grows, the 8 additional schools in our feeder pattern will also be served.


Cougar Cove will be housed in Room 806 and staffed by parent volunteers.  Cougar Cove will be open on Mondays and Fridays from 11 am - 2 pm.


Privacy and confidentiality are a priority in serving our students.  Only a student ID number will be used for students who wish to be assisted.  Food, toiletries, and school supplies will be available to those who visit Cougar Cove. 



Food and personal care items not only impact the health of our students but will also help them be more focused on their education. 



We also hope that this program will help to remove a small burden from their family and let them know someone cares.



If you are in a situation in which this program will benefit your family, we look forward to serving you. If you are able to support this program, we look forward to accepting your donation as KPO strives to support our students and make our community a better place.